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Mentions légales

Legal notice

Pursuant to Section 28 of the German Data Protection Act (BDSG) I object to any commercial use or forwarding of my data.

Scope of application:
The legal notice applies solely in respect of the Internet presence at the following address:

The web presence is part of the WWW and consequently linked to external web sites that are susceptible to change at any time and which are therefore not subject to this area of accountability and do not apply with regard to the following information. Prior to being included here the links were carefully checked on a one-off basis to ensure they do not infringe any conventions or laws.

Responsible contact person:
Yasmin Weber (Business Manager)

Todtmooser Str. 84
79872 Bernau im Schwarzwald

Email address:

Quick and direct electronic communication:
Tel. +49 7675 929655
Fax: +49 7675 9291019

VAT Reg. No. in accordance with Section 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz):

Objective of this web project:
Promotion of yaweco products and services